Coming Soon!
Gods of the 7th Realm
Indulge in the tale of a woman, abandoned as a result of narcissistic betrayal trauma, and the unknown benevolent friend who reaches out to her from another realm.
The story traces the theme of divine connection in an interspecies romance between a human and a god. Discover why the two are brought together in this journey of healing and unconditional LOVE.
READ AN EXCERPT.. Love had decided to banish himself to earth. Simile knew she had no chance of stalling or changing his choice. He had made it clear the night before the judgment— his outrage at her devious plot against his human friend. He was leaving, and would not be returning to Simile. He spared her the punishment by not revealing what she had done but warned her never to interfere again. Love wanted nothing from the Seventh Realm than forgettance. He simply left.
 His journey to earth was not complicated. The shift in Realm allowed for instantaneous portals that moved between planes. He had no power left anymore, except the cloak of limited invisibility that gave him some pause to integrate into humanity. Although he had traced the woman’s location and wanted to materialize near her, his loss of powers hindered the fine-tuning needed to accomplish this task. And he couldn’t just pick up a phone and call because she did not know his true identity. There still was a small matter of explaining the hoax to her, and asking for her forgiveness. His atonement relied on it. His life’s mission had just entered a new stage, and he was at a loss as to where to begin on the vast planet. Christmas morning comes and I am struggling to keep emotionally balanced. I feel like there is a hint of injustice in dropping my child off to his father’s, especially since my last Christmas was spent without him as well. Due to my dissociative symptoms while in trauma recovery mode, I had inadvertently forgotten that my kid was to spend last Christmas with me. That day was a killer day for me, left on my own, in a new location, surrounded by the silence of my pain.